Which of following poets does not have the title “Poet Laureate”?
A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
B. Alfred Tennyson
C. Robert Southey
D. William Wordsworth
Because of _____, Shelley was expelled from the Oxford University.
A. The Masque of Anarchy
B. The necessity of Atheism
C. The Triumph of Life
D. A Defense of Poetry
Poets’ obsession with death is fascinating. Some of them died at very early age. ____ lived the shortest life.
A. Wordsworth
C. Shelley
D. Keats
Daniel Defoe describes Robinson Crusoe as a typical English Middle-class man of the eighteenth century, the very prototype of the empire builder or the pioneer _______.
A. sailor
B. explorer
C. poet
D. colonist
The 18th century witnessed that in England there appeared two political parties, ______, which were satirized by Jonathan Swift in his Gulliver’s Travels.
A. the Whigs and the Tories
B. the senate and the House of Representatives
C. The upper House and lower House
D. the House of Lords and the House of Commons