
将以下句子翻译成汉语1、A computer consists of CPU, main memory, and input/output components.2、The processor consists of uniprocessor, and multi-core processor.3、Uniprocessor has only one processor per system. However, multi-core processor refers to an integrated circuit to which two or more complete cores are attached into a processor.4、Multi-core processors have enormous advantages of computing performance and can meet the requirements of multi-tasking processing and computing at the same time.5、With floating point speed of 93 petaflops per second (or 93 quadrillion floating point operations per second), Sunway TaihuLight is twice as fast and three times as energy-efficient as China’s Tianhe-2.6、Each node in Sunway TaihuLight has one SW26010 processor (or chip) that produces speeds of 3.06 teraflops/s with 260 cores and uses ShenWei-64 instruction set.7、CPU is an integrated circuit that is considered to be the computing core and control center of a computer. It has three parts: an arithmetic logic unit, a control unit, and a set of registers.8、ALU performs arithmetic, logic, and shift operations on data. Registers are fast stand-alone temporary storage locations on the processor. The control unit controls the operations of each part of CPU.9、GPU is a specialized electronic circuit designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the building of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display.Main memory is a collection of storage locations. Two types of memory are available: RAM , and ROM.10、The contents of ROM are programmed by the manufacturer. The user can read but not write on ROM. There are three types of ROM: PROM, EPROM, and EEPROM.11、The maximum transmission bandwidth of USB2 0 is 480Mbps (60MB/s), however, USB 3.0 is up to 5.0Gbps (625MB/s).12、Flash Memories consists of MMC (Multi-Media Card), SD Card (Secure Digital Card), MS Card (Memory Stick Card), CF Card (Compact Flash Card), XD Picture Card, USB flash disk, and Micro Drive.13、Hard disk drive (HDD) includes SATA hard disk, SCSI hard disk, SAS hard disk, and Fibre Channel hard disk, and nano-disk.14、The two designs for CPU architecture are CISC and RISC.


2021年11月8日至11月11日,中国共产党( ),于在北京举行。(单选)

A. 十九大
B. 十九届四中全会
C. 十九届五中全会
D. 十九届六中全会

党的百年奋斗锻造了走在时代前列的中国共产党,形成了以( )为源头的精神谱系,保持了党的先进性和纯洁性。(单选)

A. 不忘初心、牢记使命
B. 全心全意为人民服务
C. 伟大建党精神
D. 共产主义理想

全党要牢记( )这个根本问题,把握历史发展大势,坚定理想信念,牢记初心使命,始终谦虚谨慎、不骄不躁、艰苦奋斗。(单选)

A. 我们为什么出发
B. 初心使命是什么
C. 以人民为中心
D. 中国共产党是什么、要干什么

全会强调,全党必须铭记生于忧患、死于安乐,常怀远虑、居安思危,继续推进新时代( )新的伟大工程。(单选)

A. 党风廉政建设
B. 党的建设
C. 反腐败斗争
D. 中国特色社会主义事业
