
胆道T 形引流管与腹腔引流管的护理措施相同的有

A. 妥善固定
B. 保持引流通畅
C. 观察引流液量和性质
D. 换引流袋时注意无菌操作
E. 拔管前夹管观察


Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on the blanks. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. 答案要写单词前的字母,写单词无效。Social isolation poses more health risks than obesity or smoking 15 cigarettes a day, according to research published by Brigham Young University. The 1 is that loneliness is a huge, if silent, risk factor.Loneliness affects physical health in two ways. First, it produces stress hormones that can lead to many health problems. Second, people who live alone are less likely to go to the doctor 2 , to exercise or to eat a healthy diet.Public health experts in many countries are 3 how to address widespread loneliness in our society. Last year Britain even appointed a minister for loneliness. "Loneliness 4 almost every one of us at some point,” its minister for loneliness Baroness Barran said. "It can lead to very serious health 5 for individuals who become isolated and disconnected.”Barran started a “Let's Talk Loneliness” campaign that 6 difficult conversations across Britain. He is now supporting " 7 benches," which are public seating areas where people are encouraged to go and chat with one another. The minister is also 8 to stop public transportation from being cut in ways that leave people isolated.More than one -fifth of adults in both the United States and Britain said in a 2018 9 that they often or always feel lonely. More than half of American adults are unmarried, and researchers have found that even among those who are married, 30% of relationships are 10 strained. A quarter of Americans now live alone, and as the song says, one is the loneliest number.A) abruptly B) appointmentsC) consequencesD) debatingE) dimensionsF) friendlyG) hinderedH) idiom I) implicationJ) pushingK) severelyL) sparkedM) splittingN) surveyO) touches

女,45岁,急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎行胆总管切开取石+T管引流术后,T管引流液每天均在2000ml左右,提示( )

A. 胆汁量过少
B. 胆汁量正常
C. 胆管下端梗阻
D. 胆管上端梗阻
E. 胆管中部梗阻

T管拔除前,夹管观察的内容包括( )

A. 腹痛 体温 黄疸
B. 腹痛 血压 体温
C. 腹 痛 呕吐 体温
D. 体温 血压 意识
E. 体温 血压 脉搏

女,31岁,行胆总管切开取石、T管引流术,目前为术后第10天,T管引流液每日200ml左右。无腹胀、腹痛,手术切口已拆线。体检示:皮肤及巩膜黄疸逐渐消退,体温36.5℃,脉搏80次/分钟,血压105/60mmHg。予以拔除T管。拔除T管后应重点观察有无下列哪项并发症( )

A. 肠瘘
B. 胰瘘
C. 胆瘘
D. 胃瘘
E. 腹腔脓肿
