
( ): Partial or complete unfolding of the specific native conformation of a polypeptide chain, protein, or nucleic acid such that the function of the molecule is lost.


( ): The region of an enzyme surface that binds the substrate molecule and catalytically transforms it.

( ): Energy-yielding anaerobic breakdown of a nutrient molecule, such as glucose, without net oxidation; yields lactate, ethanol, or some other simple product.

( ): The theory that energy derived from electron transfer reactions is temporarily stored as a transmembrane difference in charge and pH, which subsequently drives formation of ATP in oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation.

思维的结构形式之间的区别,取决于( )。

A. 思维的内容
B. 逻辑常项
C. 逻辑变项
D. 语言表达形式
