In the museum, we are not allowed to ______ the exhibits.
A. avoid
B. distance
C. touch
D. expect
The boy is reaching _____ the book on the shelf, but he can’t touch it.
A. for
B. with
C. than
D. bore
We must _______ for the exam, otherwise we will fail in it.
A. drunk
B. struggle
C. relieve
D. click
工资汇总表不可以按照( )进行汇总。
A. 人员姓氏
B. 部门性质
C. 部门
D. 人员类别
A. 出租固定资产取得的租金
B. 接受捐赠取得的现金
C. 处置无形资产取得的净收益
D. 股权投资取得的现金股利