马克思讲:"任何生产者,不管是从事工业,还是从事农业,孤立地看都不生产价值或商品。他的产品只有在一定社会联系中才成为价值和商品."这一论断说明( )
A. 商品价值体现的是人和自然的关系
B. 商品价值体现一种社会关系
C. 商品交换是商品生产的必然产物
D. 工业和农业之间本来就是商品交换
社会必要劳间是在现有的社会正常生产条件下,在社会平均劳动熟练程度和劳动强度下制造某种使用价值所需要的劳动时间,它是以( )
A. 具体劳动为尺度的
B. 简单劳动为尺度的
C. 复杂劳动为尺度的
D. 个别劳动为尺度的
Why has it been suggested that it is easier to build and maintain large systems using an Object-oriented approach?
A. Development and management are easier as objects are essentially independent components.
B. Objects are reusable.
C. Structured systems tend to look either at actions (e.g. procedures and functions) or data only, while, in contrast, Object-Oriented techniques consider both.
D. One approach is not necessarily better than another - its a matter of picking horses for courses.
Using the object-oriented approach, the emphasis is on ___________.
A. data primarily
B. actions primarily
C. neither data nor actions
D. data and actions but asynchronously
E. data and actions simultaneously
The advantage of using the Object-oriented approach compared to the Structured approach is ___________.
A. fewer change requests are made during development and maintenance.
B. adaptive and perfective maintainability increased significantly.
C. improvements in usability
D. all of these