Under the Oregon Death with Dignity Act, a competent adult Oregon resident who has been diagnosed, by a physician, with a terminal illness that will kill the patient within _____ months may request in writing, from his or her physician, a prescription for a lethal dose of medication for the purpose of ending the patient’s life.
The Washington Death with Dignity Act was passed in November ______.
A. 1997
B. 2000
C. 2008
D. 2018
A. 2000
B. 2005
C. 2010
D. 2016
Dr. Jack Kevorkian in Michigan of the USA was famous because of his behavior of ____________
A. assisting his patients to die
B. assisting his patients to heal
C. assisting his patients to get better
D. assisting his patients to smuggle
The Washington Death with Dignity Act declares that, "There is a ____-hour waiting period between the written request and the writing of the prescription."
A. 24
B. 48
C. 72
D. 96