
Which of the following statements is true of self-awareness?

A. Self-awareness means the ability to behave in a uniform manner in response to situational cues.
B. Self-awareness involves the ability to emotionally evaluate one’s own worth.
C. Self-awareness means the set of unseen characteristics and processes that underlie a person.
D. d.Self-awareness involves appreciating how one's patterns affect other people.


_____ are things leaders are not aware of or don’t recognize as problems, that limit their effectiveness and hinder their career success.

A. Personality
B. Extroversion
C. Blind Spots
D. Self-Awareness


A. 对
B. 错

刘 X ,女, 60 岁.近十年来常有心悸,胸闷气短,畏寒肢冷等感觉,未经系统治疗.半小时前突然心痛剧烈.胸闷持续不解,冷汗淋漓,进而神志昏迷,呼吸微弱,面色苍白,四肢厥冷,唇色青紫,脉微欲绝.要求写出:①病名诊断;②证名诊断;③辩证分析.

吴 X ,男, 52 岁.患者十年前因疲劳出现心悸气短,未经治疗,以后每因劳累则病情加重,近二月因上症加重而来就诊。现自觉胸闷,心悸,时有胸痛,畏寒肢冷,医生查体时,望其面色淡白,舌淡胖,苔白滑,切诊脉微弱,四肢不温.要求写出:①主诉,②证名诊断,③辩证分析.
