
The early achievements in space exploration were all crash-landings, each spacecraft___()

A. in destroy
B. destroying
C. being destroyed
D. having been destroying


Please tell the function(s) of the underlined part(s) in each sentence.He found it astonishing how they could accomplish it()

A. adverbial
B. real object
C. complement
D. formal object

Which of the underlined parts in the four sentences functions differently from the others()

A. The problem appeared impossible
B. The soup tastes wonderful
C. My skin feels rough
D. I stared at the motionless animal

有如下类的定义:class sample { int n; public: sample (int i=0):n(i){ } void setValue(int n0); };下列关于setValue成员函数的实现中,正确的是()

A. sample::setValue(int n0){n=n0;}
B. void sample::setValue(int n0){n=n0;}
C. void setValue(int n0){n=n0;}
D. setValue(int n0){n=n0;}


A. Fraction operator -(Fraction)
B. Fraction& operator =(Fraction&, Fraction)
C. Fraction& operator +=(Fraction&, Fraction)
D. Fraction operator +(Fraction, Fraction)
