A. outfile.seekp(321,ios_base::cur);
B. outfile.seekp(321,ios_base::bge);
C. outfile.seekp(-321,ios_base::beg);
D. outfile.seekp(-321,ios_base::cur);
A.HumanitiesB.HumanityC.HumanD.Human subject
A. Humanities
B. Humanity
C. Human
D. Human subject
有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Demo
A. 1和1
B. 1和2
C. 2和3
D. 2和4
A. template
B. template Q F(Q x){retum Q+x;) Q F(Q x){return x+x;}
C. template<classT>
D. template<class T> TF(T x){return x*x;) Bool F(tx){return x>1;)
The author's attitude towards the future of China's AIDS problem might be described as one
A. worried.
B. indifferent.
C. optimistic.
D. frustrated.