
听力原文: A dictionary lists the words of a language, usually arranged in alphabetical order, but sometimes also by topic, with their meanings or their equivalents.
The first important contribution to lexicography in the United States was The American Spelling Book, issued by educator and lexicographer Noah Webster. Although not a true dictionary, The American Spelling Book, because of its American origin and its simplification of English, became a household reference wordbook throughout the United States. Its success led Webster to compile A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language. He then concentrated on his major contribution to lexicography, An American Dictionary of the English Language, begun in 1807 and published in 1828. This ambitious work included 12,000 more words and 40,000 more definitions than any previous dictionary of the English language. Despite its emphasis on typically American usage, distinguished from British usage, this work was never popular.
Webster's International Dictionary appeared in 1890; Webster's New International Dictionary appeared in 1909. The second edition of Webster's New International Dictionary, published in 1934, remains impressive today, with 600,000 entries. Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language was made available to the public in 1961, which included many slang words and technical terms, end its pronunciation schemes indicate regional speech patterns. Many critics denounced it for what they considered its failure to uphold traditional standards, and many defended it energetically as a comprehensive and accurate depiction of its material.

A. The American Spelling Book.
B. Compendious Dictionary of the English Language.
C. An American Dictionary of the English Language.
D. Webster's International Dictionary.


A.Warm and comfortable.B.Cool and comfortable.C.Hot and very uncomfortable.D.A little

A. Warm and comfortable.
B. Cool and comfortable.
C. Hot and very uncomfortable.
D. A little cold.

听力原文:W: Show me your licence please?
M: What is the matter? Did I do something wrong?
W: You were speeding.
M: I was speeding?
W: You certainly were. Do you have any idea how fast you were going?
M: I'm not sure, but I was going about 35.
W: This street is in a 25-mile-per-hour speed zone, you know.
M: It is?
W: In this state, the speed limit in residential area is 25 unless otherwise posted. Besides, there are signs all along the streets.
M: I'm sorry. I guess I didn't notice. I was thinking about my mother. She is in hospital. I'm on my way there right now and I haven't planned to come this way.
W: What do you mean?
M: Well, I was driving along Lincoln Street but the traffic there was really bad. There was some kind of construction going on. I turned on to a side street and ended up here. Give me a break. I'm nervous enough as it is.
W: Well, since you have to look after your mother. I'll give you a warning this time. But keep your eye on the speedometer from now on, whether you're on a street you are familiar with or not.

A. He drove too fast.
B. He didn't have a driving license.
C. He car he drove was stolen.
D. He drove in a residential area.

A.She took the man's license away.B.She fined the man for his mistake.C.She took him t

A. She took the man's license away.
B. She fined the man for his mistake.
C. She took him to the police station.
D. She gave him a warning.

A.The Empire State Building.B.The World Trade Center.C.The Chrysler Building.D.The Cit

A. The Empire State Building.
B. The World Trade Center.
C. The Chrysler Building.
D. The Citicorp Center.
