The formal social practices include the rituals, ceremonies, and structured routines that are typically performed publicly and collectively.
One type of social practice is formal and includes everyday tasks such as eating, sleeping, dressing, working, playing, and talking to others.
A. 对
B. 错
社会主义道德的原则是( )
A. 个人主义
B. 共产主义
C. 集体主义
D. 爱国主义
( )是人们在社会交往和公共生活中应该遵守的行为准则
A. 职业道德
B. 家庭美德
C. 社会公德
D. 个人品德
( )是社会主义职业道德中最高层次的要求,体现了社会主义职业道德的最高目标指向。
A. 爱岗敬业
B. 诚实守信
C. 热情服务
D. 奉献社会