You were working at the school and I often managed to get sent outside class for something.
Your chiding was gentle, but right to the point.
But you were never too busy to help with a problem, or just give a hand.
波长为480nm的平行光垂直照射到宽为0.40mm的单缝上,单缝后面的凸透镜焦距为60cm,当单缝两边缘点A、B射向P点的两条光线在P点的相位差为π时,P点离中央明纹中心的距离等于( )。
用波长l =6328Å 的平行光垂直照射单缝, 缝宽a = 0.15mm , 缝后用凸透镜把衍射光会聚在焦平面上, 测得第二级与第三级暗条纹之间的距离为1.7mm , 求此透镜的焦距.