DOS攻击的SYN flood攻击是利用( )进行攻击。
A. 中间代理
B. 其他网络
C. 通信握手过程问题
D. 以上都不是
以下关于Smurf攻击的描述错误的是( )
A. 它是一种拒绝服务形式的攻击
B. 它依靠大量有安全漏洞的网络作为放大器
C. 它使用ICMP协议数据包进行攻击
D. 攻击者最终的目标是在目标计算机上获取一个账号。
Listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. When you think about dolphins, you might picture them swimming playfully near boats or doing __1__ at a water park. Dolphins spend their whole lives in the water. These __2__ animals look like big fish, so it may surprise you to learn that they are mammals (哺乳动物). As all mammals do, dolphins __3__ air. Dolphins must come to the water’s __4__ to breathe. A dolphin breathes through an __5__, called a blowhole, on the top of its head. Dolphins are considered _6___ animals. In captivity, dolphins have shown that they can learn tricks and __7__. Scientists also discovered that dolphins have good __8__ skills.
A. 奋斗精神
B. 吃苦精神
C. 理想信念
D. 综合素质
A. 能力
B. 健康
C. 成绩
D. 友谊