According to the author, the system of power sharing between the White House and the generals
A. is unstable and strange
B. is a guarantee for American military success
C. has caused a series of quarrels
D. undermines the bases Of American military power
What was wrong with Debra a year ago?
A. She had headaches.
B. She forgot things.
C. She couldn't sleep.
D. All of the above.
What does Irvine-Halliday think of LEDs?
A. They are cool and steady, but rugged.
B. They will replace Edison's lightbulbs someday.
C. They are easily maintained.
D. They are very cheap.
A. 多占地,少开垦
B. 占多少、垦多少
C. 少占地,多开垦
D. 占多少,用多少
According to the article, what changes did the Commercial Revolution bring about?
A. Methods of production.
B. Appearance of craft guilds.
C. Increased trade volume.
D. Growth of trade, banking and methods of productioa