

A. 受教育的权利和义务
B. 进行科研文化创作和其他文化活动的自由
C. 有言论和出版的自由
D. A和B两项



A. 输送GB5044中,毒性程度为极度、高度危害气体、液化气体介质,且公称直径≥100mm的管道
B. 输送GB5044中极度、高度危害液体介质,GB50160及GBJ16中规定的火灾危险性为甲、乙类可燃气体或甲类可燃液体介质,且公称直径≥100mm,设计压力≥4MPa的管道
C. 输送其他可燃、有毒流体介质,且公称直径≥100mm,设计压力≥4MPa,设计温度≥400℃的管道
D. 输送GB5044中,毒性程度为极度、高度危害气体、液化气体介质,且公称直径≤100mm的管道
E. A、B及C项均正确


A. 业主不能占用物业管理区域内的道路和场地
B. 业主如确需临时占用物业管理区域内的道路和场地,需要城市规划部门批准
C. 业主如确需临时占用物业管理区域内的道路和场地,应当征得物业管理企业和业主委员会的同意
D. 业主如确需临时占用物业管理区域内的道路和场地,应当征得物业管理企业和建设单位的同意


A. 类图
B. 对象图
C. 部署图
D. 构件图

听力原文: Hello, everyone. I'm glad to be given a chance to tell you a story. Now I'll begin. Once there lived a lion in a forest. Every day he went about to look for food. The small animals in the forest were all afraid of him. Not far from the forest there were four bulls. They were good friends, and often went about together. The lion tried many times to catch them, but could not do so. Every time he came near, the four bulls stood together to fight him, so he could do nothing to them. One day, the bulls had a quarrel. After that each went his own way. When the lion saw this, he was happy. Then he caught one bull and ate him up. Then he caught another. One by one he caught all the four bulls and ate them up.
That's all. Thank you.
Where was the lion living?

A. Near the lake.
B. In a forest.
C. By a hill.
