听力原文:What did girls expect to do two generations ago?
What did girls expect to do two generations ago?
Girls expected to enter into ______.
For half a millennium, scores of writers have struggled
to make sense of the mystery that was Leonardo Da Vinci. Was the
man who made the Mona Lisa smiles an artist? Was he a wacky inventor or a S1.______
scientist? A visionary—or simply the product or a traumatic
(受创伤的) child? Intellectual greats from Johann S2.______
Wolfgang yon Goethe to Walter Pater to Sigmund Freud
all have tried to capture the character of the quintessential S3.______
(精萃的)Renaissance man. More recently, Dan
Brown's best-sale. The Da Vinci Code created a subversive S4.______
side for him, asserting that Da Vinci worked clues
of a age-old conspiracy in the Roman Catholic Church S5.______
into his large-scale 1498 painting The Last Supper.
Brown's book is fiction. But new research in the S6.______
Italian master is indeed generating fresh ideas about what
made Da Vinci tick. Since the 1880s, most of his 6,000 manuscripts
have been published and translated, allowed S7.______
the nature of Da Vinci's genius to emerge from centuries of
myth and speculation. These notebooks form. the basis of
a new exhibition at London Victoria and Albert Museum, "Leonardo Da S8.______
Vinci: Experience, Experiment and Design," which opens on Sept. 14.
Through rarely seeing manuscripts and drawings, large-scale models S9.______
of his designs and computer animations, the exhibit illuminates
Da Vinci's bold, wide-ranging thought process. "Like Shakespeare or Newton,
like all great figures, he remained perpetually surprising," says Da Vinci S10.______
scholar Martin Kemp, the exhibit's curator(馆长).
Various factors are considered when deciding on______.