
● 在管理信息系统的开发过程中用到很多图表,对这些图表进行有规则的编号,可以方便图表的查找。根据生命周期的5个阶段,可以给出下图所示的分类编号规则,其中第3、4位应该表示__(60)__。
(60)A.文档页数 B.文档编号 C.文档内容 D.文档目录


● 依据下面的项目活动网络图中,该项目历时为__(34)__天。
(34)A.10 B.11 C.13 D.14

● 某系统集成企业为做好项目风险管理,定义了如下图所示的风险管理过程,以及过程中的参与人员,按照风险管理的要求来说,下图空缺位置应该填写的内容是__(62)__。

A. ①项目经理 ②风险规避
B. ①风险负责人 ②风险解决
C. ①项目组成员 ②风险跟踪
D. ①风险管理小组 ②风险减轻

What plants do many insects tend to attack?
[A] Quiet plants.
[B] Well-watered plants.
[C] Healthy plants.
[D] Thirsty plants.

The first kind of site differs from the second kind of site in that
[A] the first kind sells commodities while the second offers service.
[B] the first kind extends items sold beyond the traditional categories.
[C] the second kind is rising while the first kind is declining in the world of online commerce.
[D] the second kind offers untraditional jobs to people experienced in auctioning.
