
Water is life. We depend on it to keep us and the 1 healthy. Nonetheless, many people take water as a natural resource for granted. Today, the situation has changed. As the population of the world increases, and with it the demand for water, there is growing concern that our water supplies will not be as 2 as we think. Eighty countries now have water shortages and 2 billion people lack access to clean water. One billion people lack enough water to simply meet their basic needs.While nearly 70 percent of the world is covered by water, only 2.5 percent of it is fresh. This tiny amount of fresh water available on the planet has remained fairly constant over time and is 3 unevenly around the world. The growth of the world population, therefore, 4 competition for a clean supply of water every year. Worse still, humans are not efficient users. According to the United Nations, water use has grown at more than twice the 5 of population increase in the last century. The reality is that an increasing number of regions are 6 with water scarcity. By 2025, two-thirds of the world's population may face water shortages.An adequate and 7 water supply is essential to the future of every country. To increase and conserve supplies of fresh water, many countries have been working at technological 8 , one of which is in the process of desalination. New filtration systems have been developed to 9 traditional heating methods. Thus the expected 10 can be achieved: lower costs.


下列结论中,哪个是错误的( )。

A. 杆件变形的基本形式有四种:拉伸(压缩)、剪切、扭转和弯曲;
B. 当杆件产生轴向拉压变形时,横截面沿杆轴线发生平移;
C. 当圆截面杆产生扭转变形时,横截面绕杆轴线转动;
D. 当圆截面杆产生扭转变形时,横截面绕杆轴线平移;


B. 空格
C. \
D. {}

语句 #number=20 执行结果是:()

A. 给变量 number 赋值为20
B. 不执行该语句
C. 如果 number 为20
D. 说明number等于20


A. 括号(() [] {})中的表达式可分多行书写
B. 续行符之后只能允许空格或注释。
C. Python的续行符号为\
D. Python允许使用续行符将一行语句写成多行
