
王明等人的“左”倾教条主义错误,对中国革命造成了极其严重的危害,使红军在第____次反“围剿”作战中遭到失败,不得不实行战略转移 -- 长征。


On Ling's first day, _____have a barbecue in their garden.

A. Millers
B. the Millers
C. the Miller's
D. Miller's

Before the barbecue, Ling is ______ nervous.

A. a little
B. little
C. a few
D. few

Well,_____ an older person you can shake hands and smile.

A. to
B. for
C. with
D. and

“Okay Kate,” Ling says, “but what about _____ I want to introduce myselfe? Maybe you won’t be there.

A. that
B. where
C. when
D. whom
