


A(n) _____________ issomeonewhogoestoahospitalorclinicforaprocedurewhichdoesnotrequireastayovernight,whocangotoclinicsandhospitalsfordiagnoses,basicprocedures,education,routinetesting,andsimplesurgicalprocedures.

A(n) _____________ isapatientwhomustbehospitalizedforatleastonenightinordertoreceivemedicaltreatment,whoareofteninthehospitalforsurgicalprocedures,orformonitoringafteraccidentsorseriousmedicaleventswhichcompromisedtheirhealthinsomeway.

_______________ is any dereliction of duty directly causing damage — does not have to be "severe" or "extreme" damage; can be any harm. It refers: 1. injurious or unprofessional treatment or culpable neglect of a patient by a physician or surgeon; 2. misconduct or improper practice in any professional or official position.

Justice refers to what society's expectations are of what is fair and right. The principle of justice emphasizes that all patients are treated equally and adequately. Justice as fairness in health care does not imply that the client or patient should be offered all available treatment and service, and that everyone should be given _____________ service and treatment. Rather, the health care professional needs to proceed with planning and giving care that incorporates the notion of 'due care' so that all people, irrespective of socioeconomic status, race, gender or religion, are offered and given the appropriate health care according to their medical, nursing, & allied health care needs.
