A. 对
B. 错
Watch the video again. Use words in the boxes to complete the conversation.carrotschickenliketeatomatoesMateo: What's in the (1)salad?Naomi: The chicken salad has (2)and mushrooms.Mateo: That sounds good. Can I have some (3)with it, too?Naomi: Sure. What would you (4)to drink?Mateo: I'll have iced (5)-- with no sugar.
A. 山区河流,冲刷大,有较大卵石不便桩基础施工
B. 上部荷载较大,扩大基础开挖工作量大支撑困难,采用桩基础费用高
C. 河水较深,采用扩大基础施工围堰制作有困难
D. 上部荷载较大,陆地较坚硬岩层下,无法采用扩大基础施工
某重载铁路桥梁采用扩大基础,下列哪种地基层是最合理的( )。
A. 软土层
B. 软弱岩层
C. 强风化岩层
D. 弱风化稳定岩层