
Talking about the preference for blue eyes, the author argues that ______.

A. blue eyes are purely inherited
B. few people will have blue eyes
C. blue eyes will be less sexy
D. people with blue eyes are usually wealthy



A. 低
B. 高
C. 中等
D. 不变

The tone of this passage is mainly.

A. humorous
B. of a matter-of-fact
C. bitter and ruthless
D. emotional


A. 专题总结
B. 全面总结
C. 学期总结
D. 具体总结

The main purpose of the passage is to ______.

A. give a brief introduction to the growth of the mass newspaper
B. trace the cause of the failures of the six-cent papers
C. find out which was the most significant newspaper of that time
D. show how a mass-appeal newspaper made a great fortune
