Choose the best answer[音频]
A. Themancanusethecomputer.
B. Themancannotusethecomputer.
C. Themanneedstbuyacomputer.
D. Themanlearnstusethecomputer.
Choose the best answer[音频]
A. Heisverythin
B. Heishandsome
C. Heisveryfat.
D. Heisfunny.
Choose the best answer[音频]
A. Sendingthingsearlier.
B. Notsendinganything.
C. Notbuyingherdaughteranything.
D. Sendingthingsbyair
Choose the best answer[音频]
A. Itissold.
B. Itneedsrepairing
C. Itisnew.
D. Itistooold.
下列各项中,不属于我国的诉讼法的是( )。
A. 刑事诉讼法
B. 刑法
C. 民事诉讼法
D. 行政诉讼法