人民民主专政理论是毛泽东思想关于社会主义革命和建设理论的重要内容。( )
毛泽东在开国大典上庄严地宣告:“我们的工作将写在人类的历史上,它将表明:占人类总数四分之一的中国人从此站立起来了”。( )
A. 对
B. 错
Question 1
A. The law bans supermarkets from giing away unsold food.
B. The law requres supermarkets to donate unsold food to charities.
C. The law bans supermarkets from throwing away unsold commodities.
D. The law requires supermarkets to donate unsold commodities to charities.
Question 2
A. She welcomes thenew law.
B. She is worried about the law.
C. She remains neutral about the law.
D. She strongly objects to the law.
Question 3
A. France throws away one-fifteenth of the amount of food bought each year.
B. Customers can get leftover food for free in the "waste" supermarket.
C. Louise Saint-Germain is president of a small governmental organization.
D. Some people argue the law may lead to more doations than they can handle.