
Tobeethical,researchersmustobtainthefullandinformed___________ofparticipatinghumansubjects. If the patient is unable to consent for him/herself, researchers can seek consent from the patient's legally authorized representative. One of the IRB's main functions is to ensure potential patients are adequately informed about the clinical trial.


TheDeclarationofHelsinki(2013,Article 4)declaresthat,"It is the duty of the physician to promote and safeguard the health, well-being and _______ of patients, including those who are involved in medical research. The physician's knowledge and conscience are dedicated to the fulfilment of this duty."

TheDeclarationofHelsinki(2013,Article 8)declaresthat,"While the primary purpose of medical research is to generate new knowledge, this goal can never take ____________ over the rights and interests of individual research subjects".

TheDeclarationofHelsinki(2013,Article 13)declaresthat,"Groups that are _____________________ in medical research should be provided appropriate access to participation in research".

TheDeclarationofHelsinki(2013,Article17)declaresthat,"All medical research involving human subjects must be preceded by careful assessment of predictable risks and burdens to the individuals and groups involved in the research in comparison with foreseeable ___________ to them and to other individuals or groups affected by the condition under investigation".
