
“dent/i” means ____

A. lip
B. tooth
C. gum
D. cementum


“diverticul/o” means ____

A. an abnormal pouch or sac opening from a hollow organ
B. an abnormal benign or malignant new growth of tissue
C. a small unhealthy growth on a surface inside your body
D. an opening between two organs of the body, or between an organ and the skin that would not normally exist

“duoden/o” means ____

A. duodenum
B. ileum
C. jejunum
D. cecum

“jejun/o” means ____

A. ileum
B. jejunum
C. cecum
D. bowel

“pancreat/o” means _____

A. spleen
B. liver
C. kidney
D. pancreas
