
In 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved VNS for use in treating treatment-resistant depression in certain circumstances:

A. If the patient is 18 years of age or over; and
B. If the illness has lasted two years or more; and
C. if it is severe or recurrent; and
D. if the depression has not eased after trying at least four other treatments.


Potential side effects of vagus nerve stimulation include:

A. voice changes or hoarseness, cough or sore throat
B. neck pain, discomfort or tingling in the area where the device is implanted
C. breathing problems, especially during exercise
D. difficulty swallowing


A. Neuroscienceisamultidisciplinarysciencethatisconcernedwiththestudyofthestructure&functionofthenervoussystem.Itencompassestheevolution,development,cellularandmolecularbiology,physiology,anatomy&pharmacologyofthenervoussystem,aswellascomputational,behavioral&cognitiveneuroscience.
B. Neuroscienceisaninterdisciplinarysciencethatworkscloselywithotherdisciplines,suchasmathematics,linguistics,engineering,computerscience,chemistry,philosophy,psychology,&medicine.
C. Neuroscientistsstudythecellular,functional,behavioral,evolutionary,computational,molecular,cellular,andmedicalaspectsofthenervoussystem.Therearevariousfieldsthatfocusondifferentaspects,buttheyneveroverlap.
D. Neuroscientistsfocusonthebrain&itsimpactonbehavior&cognitivefunctions,orhowpeoplethink.Theyalsoinvestigatewhathappenstothenervoussystemwhenpeoplehaveneurological,psychiatric,&neurodevelopmentaldisorders.

Which of the following statements about electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) are right?

A. ECT is also known as electroshock therapy, consisting of short bursts of electricity administered to the patient's brain.
B. In an ECT session, the patient is anesthetized & given muscle relaxants. ECT is the best studied brain stimulation therapy and has the shortest history of use.
C. It is used to treat severe drug-refractory depression, and it may also be medically indicated in other mental disorders, such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.
D. It also may be used in life-threatening circumstances, such as when a patient is unable to move or respond to the outside world (e.g., catatonia), is suicidal, or is malnourished as a result of severe depression.

Which of the following statements about neuroeconomics are right?

A. Neuroeconomics is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to explain human decision making, the ability to process multiple alternatives, & to follow a course of action.
B. Many economic behaviors are not fully explained by these models, such as heuristics & framing. Behavioral economics emerged to account for these anomalies by integrating social, cognitive, & emotional factors in understanding economic decisions.
C. t combines research from neuroscience, experimental, & behavioral economics, & cognitive & social psychology. As research into decision-making behavior becomes increasingly computational, it has also incorporated new approaches from theoretical biology, computer science, & mathematics.
D. It studies how economic behavior can shape our understanding of the brain, & how neuroscientific discoveries can constrain & guide models of economics.
