7.高级管理者是职业化的、高度专业化的,因此可以解决企业遇到的任何问题。 ( )
[音频]How Many flavors have they got at the moment?
A. One: strawberry
B. Two: strawberry and pear
C. Three: pear, banana and mangoFour: strawberry, pear, banana and mango
Why do they want a loan?
A. To make more flavors and increase the amount they make
B. To experiment with new flavors
C. To take on more staff to meet demand
D. To franchise
What are they going to change about the way they work?
A. They plan to change the bottles they use
B. They are going to use a different production process
C. They aren’t going to change anything
D. They are going to modernize
Who are they going to market their product to?
A. Young families with children
B. Young people
C. Health clubs
D. Old people