

A. 十二指肠多见
B. 全消化道均可以发生,呈节段性跳跃性分布
C. 回盲部多见
D. 空肠多见
E. 从直肠向近端结肠呈倒灌性分布



A. 淋巴细胞含量与全血相同
B. 血浆蛋白的含量很少
C. 红细胞含量与全血相同
D. 血小板含量与全血相同
E. 粒细胞含量与全血相同


A. 甲硝唑
B. 制霉菌素
C. 阿奇霉素
D. 雌激素
E. 达克宁栓剂


A. 头部X线摄片
B. 臀部肿块B超检查
C. 臀部X线摄片
D. 查血象
E. 臀部肿块穿刺抽脓

The US vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling on governments to observe international law. After deliberately targeting the civilian public health infrastructure(建筑基础), the US military imposes a continuing economic blockade on Iraq which has directly resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children. The US government is the primary financier and arms supplier for the decade-long Israeli war against the entire Palestinian people. The US armed forces and US-organized and/or US-financed ally or proxy forces have killed millions upon millions of civilians since the end of World War II. This is the not-so-hidden meaning of the Stars and Stripes, as the vast majority of people around the world understand it. Now the US government has begun what it bills as an open-ended "War on Terrorism" , which conveniently ignores the fact that in the late twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century it is the United States of America that, by its own definition, is the most prolific terrorist force in the world. At the same time US leaders are choosing to target whichever individuals, organizations, regimes and/or nation-states — among the wide array of opponents of US policies — are deemed most convenient this week, leaving the rest for next week next year or the next decade. This is, of course, a recipe for a perpetual war, which is as well understood by President Bush and the other architects of the "New World Order" , as it was by the architects of a similar project of world empire that was proudly proclaimed the Third Reich(希特勒的第三帝国), under a flag with a similarly not-so-hidden meaning. Perpetual war serves a number of purposes for the present administration. It is under wartime conditions that the US will, at least initially, face the least resistance as it finishes the now over two century-long processes of gutting the Bill of Rights and voiding the inconvenient parts of the US Constitution. It is under conditions of war that the campaign to defeat the anti-globalization movement can be fought with increasingly militant and dirty tactics. It is under wartime conditions that all opponents of US policies anywhere in the world, including within the US itself, can be most easily labeled "terrorist", at the same time that the mass media can be most easily mobilized as a total propaganda machine. And it is under conditions of war that the arms production, oil production and military technology corporations that funded President Bushs election by the Supreme Court will be most handsomely rewarded without too many questions ever being asked. And best of all, wartime conditions lend themselves to the easy mobilization of xenophobic, politically reactionary, flagwaving patriotism.
According to the passage, the purpose of the US veto against a UN Security Council resolution calling on governments to observe international law is______.

A. to target whichever opponents of US policies in the world
B. to impose a continuing economic blockade on Iraq
C. to finance and supply arms for the Israeli war against Palestine
D. to target the civilian public health infrastructure
