

A. 预收购货单位的款项
B. 预付采购材料款
C. 应付采购商品货款
D. 购买材料开出的商业承兑汇票



A. 短期借款期末计提的利息
B. 转销无力支付的商业票据款
C. 申请银行承兑商业汇票时按要求存入的保证金
D. 申请银行承兑商业汇票时支付的承兑手续费

Which of the following is NOT included in the Purpose statement?

A. The organizational problem the report addresses
B. The names of the people interviewed
C. The rhetorical purpose of the report
D. The technical investigation the report summarizes

Which of the following sections of the formal report could you draft even before you've completed your research?

A. Conclusions
B. Abstract
C. Purpose
D. Body

Which of the following would NOT be appropriate for the title page?

A. Purpose of the report
B. Title of the report
C. Release date of the report
D. Who prepared the report
