
vi. send out rays or waves;

A. rejoice
B. refresh
C. refute
D. radiate


n. a feeling of violent anger that is difficult to control

A. pilot
B. plot
C. property
D. rage

vt. to make sth. smooth and shiny by rubbing it with a cloth, often with polish on it; to make changes to sth.in order to improve it

A. recover
B. pursue
C. peel
D. polish

n. a greater interest in or desire for sb. /sth. than sb. /sth. else; a thing that is liked better or best

A. preference
B. portrait
C. procedure
D. protein

v. to make a substance pure by taking other substances out of it; to improve sth.by making small changes to it

A. refine
B. refute
C. perceive
D. qualify
