A 主持人不可以坐在前排正中
B 发言席一般设于主席台正前方,或者其右前方
C 主席台的位次安排讲究前排高于后排、右侧低于左侧的原则
A 头正 肩平 臂垂 躯挺 腿并
B 头正 肩松 臂垂 躯直 两腿开立
C 头正 肩平,两腿开立,两脚成45度夹角
D 双手背在身后,挺胸 收腹
Large modern cities are too big to control. They impose their own living conditions on people. City inhabitants are forced by their environment to adopt a wholly unnatural way of life. They lose touch with nature. It is possible to live such an air-conditioned life in a large city that you are barely conscious of the seasons. A few flowers in a public park (if you have the time to visit it) may remind you that it is spring or summer. A few leaves falling down from trees may remind you that it is autumn. Beyond that, what is going on in nature seems totally irrelevant. All the simple, good things of life—like sunshine and fresh air—are rare and precious. Tall buildings block the sun. Traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere. Even the distinction between day and night is lost. The flow of traffic goes on unceasingly and the noise never stops.