A. 施工单位技术负责人
B. 总监理工程师
C. 施工单位技术负责人与总监理工程师
D. 建设单位项目负责人
According to some authorities, there will be expected a class of supersmart children be-cause of
[ A] the booming of higher learning.
[ B] the revived zeal for marriage.
[ C] the denial of the supposed inferiority of parents.
[D] the shift of one scale of measurement to another.
[A] modern doctors should treat their patients as machines
[B] the level of the treatment was greatly improved
[C] they thought they were useless just like broken machines
[D] they were not satisfied with the manner in which doctors treated them
[A] better
[C] more
A. 给予警告,没收违法所得
B. 并处3千元以上5万元以下罚款
C. 取消担任评标委员会成员的资格
D. 造成他人损失的,应承担赔偿责任