You create a Visual Studio 2010 solution that includes a WCF service project and an ASP.NET project. The service includes a method named GetPeople that takes no arguments and returns an array of Person objects. The ASP.NET application uses a proxy class to access the service. You use the Add Service Reference wizard to generate the class. After you create the proxy, you move the service endpoint to a different port. You need to configure the client to use the new service address. In addition, you must change the implementation so that calls to the client proxy will return a List instead of an array. Which two actions should you perform?()
A. In the context menu for the service reference in the ASNET project, select the Configure Service Reference commSystem.Collections.Generic.List
B. In the context menu for the service reference in the ASNET project, select the Update Service Reference comma
Change the service interface and implementation to return a List
D. Edit the address property of the endpoint element in the web.config file to use the new service address
患者女性,54岁,因“右耳听力下降伴耳鸣2年,加重2个月”入院,患者无明显诱因发病,耳鸣持续性,“嗡嗡”样,无明显搏动性,未行其他诊治。近2个月来上述症状加重,且出现右耳流脓,量多少不等,无伴血丝,无发热、头痛、眩晕、恶心、呕吐,无吞咽困难,无误咽呛咳,无声音嘶哑等,曾在当地人民医院门诊行外耳道肿块活检,病理诊断示纤维血管型息肉,拟诊断为“右慢性化脓性中耳炎”收治入院。入院查体:右外耳道可见大量新生物,质软,色白,堵塞外耳道,耳膜无法窥清;听力学检查:纯音测听示右耳传导性耳聋,听阈25dB。乳突CT示: ①右侧鼓室与外耳道内高密度影,胆脂瘤样表现。 ②右侧中耳乳突炎。 该患者最可能的分期是()
E. B期、C期之间
F. A期、B期之间
A. 船舶的建造规模
B. 运费计量单位
C. 船舶的装载能力
D. 船舶排水量的大小
A. 《论语》
B. 《尚书》
C. 《孟子》
D. 《中庸》