


科目编码 科目名称 借方余额 贷方余额
1001 库存现金 8000
1002 银行存款 1245000
1101 交易性金融资产 17000
1121 应收票据 3200
1122 应收账款 18000
1123 预付账款
1131 应收股利
1132 应收利息
1221 其他应收款 4000
1231 坏账准备
1401 材料采购 229840
1403 原材料 2365000
140301 甲材料 9000
140302 材料 235600
1405 库存商品 1120459.6
140501 A产品 603671.2
140502 B产品 516788.4
1511 长期股权投资 50000
1601 固定资产 1294715.4
1602 累计折旧 324000
1604 在建工程
1701 无形资产 27600
1702 累计摊销
1801 长期待摊费用
2001 短期借款 22000
2201 应付票据
2202 应付账款
2202 应付账款 306000
2203 预收账款 36000
2211 应付职工薪酬 50000
221101 应付工资
221102 应付福利费 50000
2221 应交税费
222101 应交增值税
22210101 进项税额
22210105 销项税额
222106 应交所得税
2231 应付利息
2501 长期借款 1600000
2502 应付债券 158000
4001 股本 3621815
4002 资本公积 265000
4101 盈余公积
410101 法定盈余公积
410103 法定公益金
4103 本年利润
4104 利润分配
410402 提取法定盈余公积
410403 提取法定公益金
410410 应付普通股股利
410415 未分配利润
5001 生产成本
5101 制造费用
6001 主营业务收入
6051 其他业务收入
6301 营业外收入
6401 主营业务成本
6402 其他业务成本
6601 销售费用
6602 管理费用
6603 财务费用
6711 营业外支出
6801 所得税费用

A good teacher treats all his students alike. He does not make favorites in the class.


Job-hunting is a tough challenge in face of the graduates. Someone says graduation means the coming of unemployment. Provide your opinion on such a phenomenon and give some advices for such a dilemma.
Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:
Graduation, Synonym of Unemployment?
You are to write in three parts.
In the first part, state specifically what your idea is.
In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your idea OR describe your idea.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.
