A. 正确
B. 错误
某网络公司(经批准从事增值电信业务)2011年业务收入如下: (1)数据传输网络服务费180万元; (2)网络广告费50万元; (3)代理域名注册费10万元; (4)网页制作维护费25万元; (5)服务器租赁费8万元。 请分别按营业税适用税目税率计算该公司本年应纳营业税。
our network contains a Network Policy Server (NPS) named NPS1 and a network access server named NAS1. NAS1 is configured to use NPS1 for authentication and accounting. A firewall separates NPS1 and NAS1.You need to ensure that NAS1 can successfully send authentication and accounting messages to NPS1.Which ports should you allow through the firewall?()
A. TCP ports 80, 443, 389 and 1645
B. TCP ports 88, 135, 139 and 1813
C. UDP ports 53, 67, 68 and 69
D. UDP ports 1812, 1813, 1645 and 1646