
Passenger vessels are predominantly cruise ships, with most passengers beginning and ending their trips in the United States. Cruise ship inspection, involving a large volume of U.S. citizen passengers and crewmembers who may have made several entries in just a few weeks, is handled either upon arrival or en route, using a relatively small inspection staff.En route inspections.Because of the large volume of passengers and crew on many cruise vessels and the rapid turnaround time required for off loading passengers from one cruise and loading for the next, cruise lines may request that CBP conduct the immigration inspection while the ship is en route from the last foreign port back to the United States.Passenger Inspection.Except where an en route inspection has been arranged, passengers will be inspected after docking. Some port facilities have a passenger terminal, with inspection booths provided similar to those at airports.In either case, there are often a large number of passengers requiring inspection in a relatively short time span.



A. 结构中一个成员所需的内存容量
B. 结构中第一个成员所需的内存容量
C. 结构中占内存容量最大者所需的内存容量
D. 结构中各成员所需内存容量之和

有以下程序段若程序中有以下的说明和定义:struct NODE{int num;char sex;}//此花括号后缺少了分号struct NODE OLD;则会发生的情况是( )。

A. 编译出错
B. 程序将顺序编译、连接、执行
C. 能顺序通过编译、连接,但不能执行
D. 能顺序通过编译、但连接出错

学生的信息用结构体类型表示,计算5个学生的平均成绩、平均年龄以及有不及格成绩的人数。#include "stdio.h"struct student{long num;char name[12];char sex;int age;float score;};int main(){int i,c=0 ;float save=0;float aave=0 ;struct student stud[5]={{107151, " Zhang ", 'F' ,20,98.0},{107153,"Wang",'M',19,95.5} ,{107154,"Li",'F',19,70.0},{107155,"Zhao",'F',18,55.0} ,{107159,"Liu",'M',21,75.0}};for(i=0;i<5;i++){save+= 【1】 ;aave+= 【 2 】;if(【 3 】<60) c++;}save=save/5; aave=aave/5;printf(" 平均成绩=%5.1f\n 平均年龄=%4.1f\n 不及格人数=%d\n",save,aave,c);return 0;}

根据电话预约情景,判断正误:Good morning. I am Mary Smith from ABC Company.

A. 对
B. 错
