

A. 牢牢把握大团结大联合的主题,做好统战工作
B. 深化民族团结进步教育,铸牢中华民族共同体意识
C. 全面贯彻党的宗教工作基本方针,坚持我国宗教的中国化方向,积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应
D. 支持民主党派按照中国特色社会主义参政党要求更好履行职能


在长期的革命、建设和改革过程中,已经结成了由中国共产党领导的,有各民主党派和各人民团体参加的,包括、、 和拥护祖国统一和致力于中华民族伟大复兴的爱国者的广泛的爱国统一战线。


二维条码包括两种类型,一种为 二维条码,另一种为二维条码。

Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-relatedComplete the passage with words chosen from the Words and Phrases to Drill box. Change the form where necessary.blast boundary budget combine device digest economic generate haul illustrateimprovement indoor insurance investinvolve lower minor profit pursuerequirement resist scalestack supplement suspect temptation wicked aside from at that point cut back dine out get by get through just abouton a small / large scale on balanceJim Doherty may not be a born farmer, but he ________ _____ (1) without too much trouble. Not that he has had it easy. That first hard winter he faced must have left him with the ______________ (2) to give up and go back to the city. But he managed to ______ ____________ (3) it without losing heart. He's picked up a lot of skills since then and made some real ___________________ (4) to his farm, though without much laborsaving machinery, __________ ___________ (5) that old rotary cultivator. I ____________ (6) he doesn't make all that much, though he does have his writing to ______________ (7) what little __________ (8) he makes from the farm. I guess he does it primarily for the quality of life. Certainly, they seem a happy family and you can often see them out working together, one day spraying apple trees, the next __________ (9) firewood.
