听句子,选出含有短元音/ɒ/的单词。Listen to the sentences and choose the words with short osound /ɒ/.A hot mop can clean a pot.
B. hot
C. mop
D. can
E. clean
F. a
G. pot
听句子,选出含有短元音/ɒ/的单词。Listen to the sentences and choose the words withshort osound /ɒ/.A cop can not drink pop.
B. cop
C. can
D. not
E. drink
F. pop
听句子,选出含有短元音/ɒ/的单词。Listen to the sentences and choose the words withshort osound /ɒ/.Hop on the red dot.
A. Hop
B. on
C. the
D. red
E. dot
听句子,选出含有短元音/ɒ/的单词。Listen to the sentences and choose the words withshort osound /ɒ/.Ron is on the sod.
A. Ron
B. is
C. on
D. the
E. sod
听句子,选出含有短元音/ɒ/的单词。Listen to the sentences and choose the words withshort osound /ɒ/.Bob looked at the fox on the log.
A. Bob
B. looked
C. at
D. the
E. fox
F. on
G. log