
Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文:Interviewer: Hello, Nancy. I know you are one of the few women taxi drivers in the city now and you drive for a living. What makes you want to become a taxi driver in the first place?
Nancy: I took pride I driving well even when I was young, for I had to wait until I had a car to learn to drive. When I finally learned, it was something I really enjoyed and still enjoy, I remember how smart those taxi drivers had seemed driving so well and dressed so nearly in their uniforms. And I thought I'd like to do that myself. You really enjoy driving, I see. And how long have you been a taxi driver?
N: Err.. . altogether 12 years.
I: It has been quite some time already, hasn't it ?
N: Yeah.
E Then, what did you find the most difficult about becoming a taxi driver?
N: I can still remember when I was learning to drive. It was scary. I did not yet know how to judge distance, and when a truck came near, it seemed like its wheel would just come right over mc. Anyway soon learned to judge distance. I began looking ahead, stopped worrying about the truck what was moving on either side.
I: What's the best part of your job?
N: I found that what I liked the best about this job was being outdoors, seeing how the city changes from season to season, and there are places I've seen that I would probably never have seen in another job. And I love all kinds of weather. I' d like to leave the window down in a fine rain. And the beautiful sceneries, you know...
Nancy became a taxi driver because

A. she owned a car
B. she drove well
C. she liked drivers' uniforms
D. it was her childhood dream


According to the passage, incomplete combustion is more likely to occur with gasoline than

A. the combustion of gasoline releases photo-chemically active hydrocarbons
B. the combustion of gasoline involves an intricate series of reactions
C. gasoline molecules have a simple molecular structure
D. gasoline is composed of small molecules


A.In the downtown area.B.In the urban district.C.In the city center.D.In the rural are

A. In the downtown area.
B. In the urban district.
C. In the city center.
D. In the rural area.


A. 新建、迁建建设项目需要使用土地的
B. 原址改建、扩建建设项目需要使用本单位以外土地的
C. 需要改变本单位土地使用性质的建设项目
D. 原址改建不需使用本单位外土地的
