质量互变规律揭示了( )
A. 事物发展的源泉和动力
B. 事物发展变化的基本形势或状态
C. 事物发展的方向和道路
D. 事物发展的不同趋势或趋向
时间和空间是( )
A. 物质的唯一属性
B. 运动着的物质的存在方式
C. 人类认识世界的先天形式
D. 人类认识世界的后天形式
I AnalyzeWhich of the following is not the research method mentioned in the text?
A. Compare the grades of students working a lot with those working much less.
B. Contrast the commitment to study of working students and non-working students.
C. Follow students and assess the effects of different employment patterns.
D. Makea questionnaire.
I AnalyzeAccording to the text, which of the following is not mentioned as the research finding?
A. Working long hours seriously effects school performance and commitment.
B. Working for about 10 hours per week or less does not seem to effect school performance much.
C. The negative effects on schooling are not permanent.
D. The negative effects on schooling are permanent.