
We are proud to say that at this moment we can already replace 80% of the food-related animal tests with alternative methods, like a _________________ (2 words) test, which replaces the use of 300,000 _________ (1 word) within the EU ________ (1 word).


Our advanced equipment helps us to ____________ (2 words) the exact composition of a product, and by using computer models we can determine if there are any components similar to known _________ (1 word) and ________ (1 word).

The digested food is further studied using cultivated human cells and _________________ (3 words) on a microchip.

某体细胞内有染色体2N,在有丝分裂中是细胞分裂( )次,染色体复制( )次,子细胞染色体数目为( );而母细胞在减数分裂中细胞分裂( )次,染色体复制( )次,子细胞染色体数目为( )。

DNA合成按照()到()方向进行,( )的DNA合成可连续进行,后随链的合成由不连续的短的( )组成。
