What does the woman suggest the man do to his pay cheque?
A. Deposit it himself.
B. Use his smart phone to deposit it.
C. Sign the back.
D. Get someone else to deposit the cheque.
What does the man ask the woman to do?
A. Help him in one hour.
B. Prepare dinner for friends.
Cook the food.
D. Go to the market with him.
What does the man want the woman to do?
A. Edit his assignment.
B. Hand in his assignment tomorrow.
C. Help him write his assignment.
D. Wait until tomorrow to read his assignment.
What does the man mean?
A. That she is the love of his life.
B. That she is his roommate.
C. That she is his good friend.
D. That she is his life mate.
What does the man like to do?
A. Swim at the beach.
B. Walk on the beach.
C. Walk by the water.
D. Swim in the river.