
The author mentions Lilly Ledbetter's case to show that ______.

A. she did not receive equal treatment as her male colleagues
B. her complaint is not timely enough to be validated
C. the new rule is problematic in practice due to its ambiguous wording
D. there is pay discrimination against women at work


Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?

A. Class size reduction increases difficulty to hire teachers in affluent districts.
B. Cutting class sizes is no better than reassigning existing specialty teachers.
C. If urban school cannot hire enough teachers, they can hire specialty teachers.
D. Generally speaking, vicious competing for teachers will counterbalance the positive effects of smaller classes.

Why does the author say Google should be hurt the least?

A. Because Google shows the strongest profit-making trend.
Because Google does search advertising business.
C. Because search advertising is the only medium outrunning traditional ones.
D. Because search advertising will attract more investment.

TV executive says: "The auto industry is out. And Campbell's Soup is in.", because ______.

A. cash-rich consumers will remain untouched in sluggish economy
B. people will pay more attention on food than automobiles
C. luxuries will lose some of the buyers while necessities of existence still cover big market share
D. ad industry should pay more attention to ordinary people's life

It can be implied from the passage that ______.

A. there will be a new law against pay discrimination in the near future
B. it is not very likely that the law could be dramatically shifted to the interests of the working population
C. civil right advocates will never give up until they succeed in overturning the Ledbetter case
D. the Democratic Congress may cooperate with a Republican in pushing a final legislation against pay discrimination
