Dams vary (in size) (from small rock barriers to) concrete structures (many feet) (height).
A. in size
B. from small rock barriers to
C. many feet
D. height
(As) secretary of transportation, he worked to help the (bankrupt railroads) in the northeastern (United States) (solved) their financial problems.
B. bankrupt railroads
C. United States
D. solved
进度计划编制的逻辑关系中,紧前工作与紧后工作可以互逆,当B工作的紧前工作有A时,A工作的紧后工作也只有B。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
Photographs (printed in) (newspaper) usually have a caption (underneath) to explain what (they are about).
A. printed in
B. newspaper
C. underneath
D. they are about
工程质量监理与内部管理和质量监督部门的抽查是类似的。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误