A. 肱骨内上髁
B. 桡骨粗隆
C. 冠突
D. 尺骨鹰嘴
E. 肱骨小头
Which is inserted into the humeromuscular tunnel
A. the radial nerve
B. the deep brachial artery
C. the axillary nerve
D. the deep brachial vein
E. the cephalic vein
The posterior wall of the axilla consists of
A. the pectoralis major
B. the pectoralis minor
C. the latissimus dorsi
D. the subscapularis
E. the teres major
A. 肘正中静脉
B. 尺静脉
C. 头静脉
D. 桡静脉
E. 贵要静脉