
(1) You honor, I confess the corn. I was royally drunk.(2) George Washington adopted a Fabian policy during the war of Independence.(3) The fear that the Black Monday might return soon alarmed these wall Streeters.(4) The wealth he had boasted for years turned out to be the emperors’ new clothes.(5) Keep away from him, Alice. He is a real Don Juan.(6) There were some typical David and Goliath battles in the Aerican War of Independence.(7) In England, universities were divided into two categores: blue brick universities and red-brick universities.(8) I wish T can get to first base in this business deal.9) He was a baby kisser when he ran for the presidency.(10) Harn Peggotty, who went to the national school, and was a very dragon at his catechism, and who may therefore be regarded as a credible witness, reported day, that happening to peep in at the parlour-door an hour after this, he was instantly described by Miss Betsey, their walking to and fro in a state of agitation, and ponced upon before he could make his escape.(11)李宓曾为唐军统帅。天宝年间,率师远征南诏,全军覆没李宓沉江而死。南诏不计前嫌.立庙祀之。(12)关帝庙中的文物展示了后人对关羽“忠、义、仁、勇”精神的崇敬。



混频是频谱的非线性搬移。( )

A. 对
B. 错

若输入混频器的信号为调幅波,则混频器的输出为调频波。( )

A. 对
B. 错

纤维素是葡萄糖分子以( )糖苷键连接而成的直链。

A. β(1-4)
B. β(1-6)
C. a(1-4)
D. a(1-6)
