In this article when the author mentioned the difference between how women and men view their own looks are caused by complex psychological and societal factors, factor 1 is different _____________with _____; factor 2 is differences in __________ of the ___________.
Match the incomplete sentences with the correct restrictive attributive clauses.
A. 急性菌痢
B. 盆腔脓肿
C. 肠间脓肿
D. 急性膀胱炎
E. 急性附件炎
A. 补液,纠正水、电解质及酸碱失衡
B. 输血
C. 应用大量有效的抗生素
D. 禁食、胃肠成压
E. 以上都不是
A. 胃肠减压,使用抗生素
B. 补充血容量
C. 穿刺引流
D. 急诊手术
E. 观察4~8小时病情不见好转再手术