在下面类的定义中,方法的签名是。public class Person {String name ="Peter" ;int age ;void show() {System.out.println(name+" "+age);}}
A. void show()
B. show
C. void show() { }
D. 以上都不对
在下面类的定义中,填出空缺的内容 :public class Person {String name ;int age ;public _________ toString( ) {return ( name+" "+age );}}
A. void
B. String
C. int
D. char
请将下列段落翻译成汉语:Commercial airports are designed to transfer passengers and freight to and from aircraft. In order to accomplish this transfer as efficiently and as safely as possible, airport operations are grouped into four general areas: aircraft services, passenger and freight services, support services, and airport security.